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Window For War!

  As talk of airstrike on Iran heats up, a perfect window is opening, right on a solar eclipse.

Surprise attacks have a season: one is on the way...

By John Townley
February 16, 2012

“Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran”…so went Senator John McCain’s spontaneous Beach Boys parody when he was running for president in 2008.  Since then, talk about the possibility of a U.S.-backed Israeli strike against possibly bomb-making Iranian nuclear facilities has waxed and waned without actually materializing. Right now, the talk is in its waxing phase again, with much saber-rattling on all sides, the gist of which is that if it doesn’t happen soon, it will be too late.

So will it really happen this time? And if so, when and why, astrologically?

A look at history – both in the Middle East and in general – tells an intriguing story. Back during Israel’s most recent incursion into Lebanon, we noted an interesting pattern in Israel’s wars with her neighbors. Almost every time Israel initiates the conflict, it is within just a few weeks (in only one instance as much as a month and a half) after Mars turning direct, following its biennial several-month retrograde period. That applies to the Israeli war of independence in 1948, the 1956 Suez Canal crisis, the 1967 war, and the 1982 Lebanon incursion. Only the most recent Lebanon incursion was an exception – and in the case of the 1973 war Israel didn’t start it, its neighbors did. Either consciously or intuitively, Israel’s leaders tend to favor this narrow window for war. Since it’s coming up again in May 2012, it bears a closer look.

All of Israel's attacks right up to the 1982 Lebanon invasion(l.) fit right into the window. So did the Persian Gulf War (r.)

Is there anything that makes this a winning time slot to pounce on an enemy? Classically, yes and no. The worst time to start a war should be with Mars, which rules war, retrograde, when it confers the least power upon the effort. That’s when the Arab coalition began the 1973 war, and they lost horribly. But, since Mars retrograde tends to instill a debilitated state of defense, the sooner you get moving right afterward the better, as the enemy hasn’t had time to make full preparations and is less likely to expect it or resist it. And, since Mars starts to pick up speed rather quickly after its station, sooner might seem better than later.

But is it, really? It seems so, at first glance, based on Israel’s successes, and more impressively by those of other, larger world powers historically. The Nazi blitzkrieg invasion of Poland in September of 1939 was launched right in that window, and it rolled over its hapless victim in less than five weeks. At the very next window in late 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and other American and British bases in Southeast Asia, easily subjugating its unwary victims, who took years to recover. The window after that in January 1944 saw the impressive surprise Allied invasion at Anzio.  Later in the twentieth century, the January 1991 First Gulf War "Desert Storm" attack on Iraq was launched by America again in that same narrow window, with spectacular success, crushing all resistance in only a few days.

  Nazi invasion of Poland (l.) and attack on Pearl Harbor (r.) took place right in just-post-Mars-retro sky slot.

What’s notable about all of these apparently-spectacular successes, however, is that in the end they were not permanently successful at all. Germany ultimately lost, and so did Japan, and Anzio turned into a slogfest that ultimately disappointed, shifting the war emphasis to more northern efforts with D-Day. Later, America had to go back and fight yet another war in Iraq to achieve what the first one was hoped to do. And, Israel’s temporary successes have all been limited in scope, while the country remains in an ongoing conflict with its neighbors, with the possibility of yet another strike in the wings. So perhaps this window is less ideal than it seems. Although it seems to favor the element of surprise, it doesn’t have the staying power that might be desired, possibly because Mars is still moving too slowly to have sufficient temporal effect down the line.

No doubt that is an important consideration for astrologers advising the generals commanding future armies. Despite misleading rumors, there were no such real consultations by any of the aforementioned combatants, so these decisions must have been determined by the innate sense of judgment and timing experienced military commanders feel inside, though perhaps unknowingly influenced by planetary cycles like the rest of the world. But the more immediate questions arises: what about the coming window in late April or early to mid-May, the several week period following Mars turning direct on April 14?

The May 20/21 solar eclipse features Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn on the angles over the Middle East.

To address that, a quick look at Israel’s chart (pretty reliable), along with Iran’s (which are a bit iffy) would be in order. There we see Jupiter rolling in on top of Israel’s Sun, a sign of confidence and ambition, along with Saturn transiting its Ascendant, happening several times. The two charts commonly used for revolutionary Iran (Khomeini’s arrival, and his subsequent declaration of a republic) see the transit of Uranus on Moon and Ascendent on one and on the Sun of the other. All of that looks like a lot of pressure for strong and perhaps rash and debilitating action right inside that window.

Well, that’s a very general window of a few weeks – want to tighten it down to a few days? Most attacks that involve long-range air strikes under cover of darkness are usually done around the dark of the Moon because, well, it’s darker then, harder to spot incoming planes and missiles. That would put it on or around the solar eclipse of May 20 in which Uranus is rising, Pluto on the MC, and Saturn setting as seen from the Middle East (see above).  Sounds brutal. If it happens too soon, while Mars is still retro (like the 1973 war), expect disaster.  And if it happens on time, like the others it will likely be a resounding success at first, but ultimately not accomplish what was desired. If it happens much later, when Mars is truly up to speed, it might actually work.

Of course, it could all blow over and nothing will happen at all, as it has been with the majority of cases of this biennial window for war. But if you’re handicapping the next conflict, now you’ve got our best bet...

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